
Below you will find the program of the event, which will become more detailed throughout the summer.

Main page > Program

“Accelerating the Green Transition”


09:00 Registration opens

10:00 Welcome Session

  • Welcome Words
  • Keynote: Preconditions for a sustainable energy system and the role of hydrogen for Finland’s economy – Jukka Leskelä, Finnish Energy
  • Navigating the complex landscape: EU Energy Regulations and Sustainability – Eero Ailio, European Commission
  • How to accelerate green growth: with a stick or a carrot? – Kati Ruohomäki, Confederation of Finnish Industries
  • Wrap-up and discussion

12:00 Lunch and Networking

13:00 Renewable Energy Solutions

  • Transition to cleaner energy sources: Finland’s Onshore Windfarms – Toni Sulameri, Hyötytuuli
  • Sustainable solar project developlemt – Arto Ylönen, Forus
  • Community solar initiatives – Marcus Stenstrand, Better Energy
  • Solar and Wind: the perfect combination for Finland to make a difference – Heidi Laurila, Myrsky Energia
  • Repurposing human-altered areas for solar power – Piia Heikkinen, Nordi

14:45 Coffee and Networking

15:15 Green Hydrogen

  • Hydrogen and carbon value chains in green electrification (HYGCEL) – Mari Tuomaala, LUT University
  • New digital forms of cross-secoral collaboration: Case Fast Expert Teams & P2X investments – Kirsimarja Blomqvist, Business School, LUT University
  • Power to X Technology – Jero Ahola, LUT University
  • RES and Hydrogen Economy – Miko Huomo 3Flash Finland

17:00 Closing the Day 1

20:00 Evening Program

  • Getting to know each other and Lappeenranta


09:00 Energy Markets: Energy Efficiency and Data Solutions

  • Opening of the Second Day
  • Utilizing waste heat from renewable hydrogen production in the district heating network – Altti Meriläinen, LUT
  • Case Stora Enso: Waste heat for energy production – Vesa-Pekka Vainikka, Imatran Lämpö

10:15 Future Electrified Mobile Work Machines

  • Joint roadmap 2035 Future Trends in Mobile Work Machine Industry – Harri Nieminen, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
  • Electrification of Underground Equipment – Samu Kukkonen, Normet
  • Electrification of Moving Heavy Construction Equipment – Tomi Voutilainen, Junttan

11:00 Lunch and Networking

12:00 Electric Mobility

13:15 Closing the Conference

13:30 Coffee and Networking