The speakers of the event are introduced here. More introductions to come!
Speakers of the Future Energy Solutions 2024

Adviser energy transition and local governance,
European Commission, DG Energy
Eero advises senior management on energy transition in general and on local governance in particular, leading sub-national/ non-state actor cooperation (Global Covenant of Mayors, the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission etc). He has earlier dealt with energy consumer, energy poverty, retail market, offshore safety, fossil fuel and CCS policies in middle management at EC DG Energy, after duties in space (Galileo program), security, and transport.
Yet earlier he worked as career diplomat on security, humanitarian assistance, crisis management and EU coordination and in the private sector in finance, television and city promotion in Finland, Sweden and Germany. He has an MSc Econ from Hanken Business School (FI) and has participated in the US Government International Visitors Leadership program.

CEO, Energiateollisuus ry, Finnish Energy
Jukka Leskelä is the Managing Director at Finnish Energy, a branch association of power, district heating and gas companies in Finland. Finnish Energy has 280 member companies, and the association has offices in Helsinki and in Brussels.
Jukka Leskelä has represented the branch over 20 years at Finnish Energy in various positions and of which he has been the CEO for 8 years. His specialities are energy, climate change and environmental policy issues in EU and in Finland. Before that he worked 9 years at energy company Fortum with emissions control and environmental technology. He is M.Sc. in Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology.
Jukka Leskelä has held various positions in national and European organisations. Presently he is a board member of Eurelectric (the association of electricity industry in Europe) and a board member of Nordenergi (joint collaboration of Nordic energy associations).

Chief Policy Adviser, EK – Confederation of Finnish Industries
I am working as a chief policy adviser in energy and climate affairs, especially the EU’s Green Deal program and the next 2030-40 period, in Confederation of Finnish Industries EK. My task is to gather and share companies’ views on EU’s and national energy and climate policies and legislative proposals, like emissions trading, energy efficiency and energy taxes. I assess the impacts of measures and deliver information to companies and federations about what is coming.
After graduating from LUT in chemical engineering, I continued my studies as a licentiate in technology. I have worked in the forest industry in various companies, sites and positions, like research, development, quality, environment and energy. Since 2009 I have worked in EK.
I do all sorts of things, from weaving on looms to horse riding, and I do anything in my house with an engineering spirit, even if I don’t have enough skills. I easily immerse myself into good books and TV series, and I like to go to the movies.

Professor, Business School, LUT University
Kirsimarja Blomqvist (professional profile here) is a Professor for Knowledge management at the Business School at LUT University, Finland. Her research interests relate to trust, knowledge management, innovation, and new digital forms of organizing such as temporary expert teams, communities, and ecosystems. She has published over 200 research articles in academic journals, books, and peer-reviewed conferences.
She serves in the Editorial boards for Journal of Trust Research, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Organization Design. She has been developing temporary cross-sectoral digital organizing of expertise in communities and teams, so called “Fast Expert Teams” with hundreds of participants in Covid-19 and beyond (more information here). She is also a founding member and board member of FINT network of trust researchers around the world.
In the past she has worked in risk funding, for TeliaSonera R&D, founded and led a multi-disciplinary Technology Business Research Center, and served as Vice-rector for LUT International Relations. She enjoys talking to various professional groups and serves at company and public organization boards, currently at Fulbright Finland and EAISM.
At her spare time she enjoys outdoors in the forests, fields and Lake Saimaa. LUT University helps business and society in sustainable renewal by seeking new solutions for clean energy, water and air with its expertise in technology, business and social sciences. LUT’s international community consists of nearly 8 000 members, and its campuses are in Lappeenranta and Lahti, Finland. LUT is one of the world’s top universities for climate action. LUT Business School focuses on organizational sustainable renewal and digital transformation.

CEO, Imatra District Heating Ltd
Mr. Vesa-Pekka Vainikka holds a M. Sc. in Energy Economics and he is the CEO of Imatra District Heating Ltd (Imatran Lämpö Oy) since 2013. Previously, he had a long and international career in the energy sector at Pöyry since 1994. Mr. Vainikka has over 30 years’ experience of District Heating and of international consultancy as an expert in energy efficiency and district heating. He has been planning and implementing numerous projects in Finland, Europe and Asia.
In addition to the duties of the CEO of the heating company, he has a broad experience in the implementation of projects about district heating, natural gas, bioenergy, bioheating center and district heating pipeline. Additionally, his experience covers the planning of district heating and cooling systems (production, distribution and consumer equipment), the renovation of district heating systems (including hydraulic network calculation) in addition to heat production-related reports and business plans.
Awards: Knight of the Order of the Lion of Finland (Suomen Leijonan ritarimerkki) awarded on December 6, 2021. Golden badge of merit of District Heat (Kaukolämmön kultainen ansiomerkki) awarded by Finnish District Heating and Cooling Association FinDHC ry on November 26, 2021.

Professor, LUT School of Energy Systems, LUT University
Jero Ahola currently works at LUT as a full professor of energy efficiency in electrically driven systems and as the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. In collaboration with VTT Finland, his research group was the first in the world to demonstrate “Fuel from Air” with the SOLETAIR pilot in 2017 and “Food from Electricity” with the Neo-Carbon Food pilot in 2019.
His current research interests include power-to-X processes, green hydrogen production by water electrolysis, solar PV applications, and energy-efficient electrical motor-driven systems. Jero Ahola is a member of the board of the Finnish electricity grid TSO Fingrid Oyj and the Finnish gas grid TSO Gasgrid Finland Oy.

Project Manager, Forus Ltd
Arto Ylönen works as a project manager in large scale solar projects in Forus Ltd, the company’s goal is to stop climate change profitably. He was awarded a Dr. sc. degree by ETH Zurich in 2013 and master’s degree by LUT University in 2008, the research topics were from the field of nuclear engineering.
He has previously worked as a researcher and a post-doctoral researcher in LUT. He has also acted as a municipality manager (2016–2023) in Miehikkälä. He joined Forus Ltd in May 2023. Currently, he lives with his family in Lappeenranta and enjoys local nature playing disc golf in his past time.

Chief Policy Adviser, EK – Confederation of Finnish Industries
I am working as a chief policy adviser in energy and climate affairs, especially the EU’s Green Deal program and the next 2030-40 period, in Confederation of Finnish Industries EK. My task is to gather and share companies’ views on EU’s and national energy and climate policies and legislative proposals, like emissions trading, energy efficiency and energy taxes. I assess the impacts of measures and deliver information to companies and federations about what is coming.
After graduating from LUT in chemical engineering, I continued my studies as a licentiate in technology. I have worked in the forest industry in various companies, sites and positions, like research, development, quality, environment and energy. Since 2009 I have worked in EK.
I do all sorts of things, from weaving on looms to horse riding, and I do anything in my house with an engineering spirit, even if I don’t have enough skills. I easily immerse myself into good books and TV series, and I like to go to the movies.

CEO, eMobility Finland association (Sähköinen liikenne ry)
Heikki Karsimus works currently as the CEO of the eMobility Finland association (Sähköinen liikenne ry). eMobility Finland is founded in 2019 with the purpose of promoting the development of electric transportation. He was taken into the eMobility sector after the Finnish eMobility network was established in 2011. Prior to this, he has gained nearly 20 years of experience from electric warehouse truck business and wastewater treatment plant equipments especially in the area of modular product concept and business development.
Heikki Karsimus has graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Espoo University of Technology in 1992. During his studies, he specialized in hydraulics and Industrial engineering and management. Later, he further enhanced his professional skills by completing the requirements for the award of Executive Master of Business Administration (eMBA) at Helsinki School of Economics.
At the moment, Heikki is motivated to promote, in addition to electric passenger cars, the electrification of heavy duty vehicles. Heikki strongly believes that in the near future electric vehicles will take their deserved leading position gradually in the entire road transport sector. Heikki follows with interest the development of technology and its importance to the speed and extent of electrification.

Co-creation Manager and Head of SIX Initiative, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Ltd
Harri Nieminen (M.Sc., LUT) is Co-creation manager and Head of Sustainable Industry X (SIX) initiative at VTT. In his current role, Harri is helping industrial companies to succeed by fostering collaboration between research and industry. As part of this work, Harri is heading a ‘toolkit’ creation. Toolkit, SIX, includes essential ‘pliers and wrenches’ for connecting national level strategies and implementing those in industry driven way.
Harri’s roots are in industry. Before starting his career in research in 2020, Harri gained experience for 24 years in industry. During those years, he has had privilege to observe manufacturing industry (metals and engineering) from multiple viewpoints: R&D&I, supply chain, product- and project management. Besides strategies and ecosystems, Harri’s key expertise areas include future digital manufacturing technologies and systems, data intensive services as well as user experience in complex systems.

Researcher, LUT University
Mari holds a PhD in Industrial Energy from Aalto University, where she completed her research in 2007, focusing on enhancing, monitoring, and managing energy efficiency in energy-intensive process industries. She currently works part-time at LUT University as a project manager for the HYGCEL project, one of Finland’s largest research initiatives addressing energy system transition and the hydrogen economy. The HYGCEL project began in early 2022 and is set to conclude in October 2024.
In addition to her role at LUT, Mari runs her own consultancy, 3E Energy Oy, where she advises companies on energy strategies involving renewable industrial gases, bio-circulation, and nutrient circulation. This builds on her earlier career experience in the gas industry, where she held an R&D leadership role focused on driving the transition from fossil fuels to renewable gases and synthetic fuels. Outside of her professional life, Mari is an active outdoor enthusiast who enjoys orienteering, hiking, and playing golf.

Vice President, Kempower
Mikko Veikkolainen leads the research and innovation unit of electric vehicle charging manufacturer Kempower. Kempower is one of the world’s fastest growing listed companies. Research and innovation play an important role in the company, and Veikkolainen was the first employee when the company started in early 2018. Today it has more than 900 employees and is known for its innovative products. My job is to enable green traffic and transportation.

CEO, Myrsky Energia
I’ve graduated from Lappeenranta University of Technology in Industrial Engineering and Management. Currently I’m working as the CEO of Myrsky, a 4-year-old energy company. I have been part of Myrsky’s story from the very beginning and have given my best to make the company grow as fast as it has.
Energy and the environment have been driving me in my work life and more and more the desire to be involved in things that have an impact on climate change. My background covers project development, techno-economic analysis of new business opportunities like creating business value out of carbon sequestration and management work such as corporate strategy. I’m an engineer by heart but business needs to be there to make an impact.
I strongly believe that work and family can be combined. I have three kids (turning 10, 5 and 3) and I hope we can give an example with my husband that you never need to choose between work and family but can get both of them.

Technology Director, Normet
Samu Kukkonen, Technology Director at Normet, has over 13 years of experience in battery electric vehicle (BEV) research and development. His main responsibility is leading the technology development of Normet equipment. He has been working with Normet SmartDrive® as the Chief Engineer from the beginning and continues to lead and influence the designs to this day.
Prior to joining Normet, Samu received his Master of Science (Tech.) degree in Power Electronics of Motor Drives from Tampere University in 2010 followed by a 6-year research career at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland where he focused on proton-exchange membrane fuel cell, Li-Ion battery and commercial vehicle electrification research.

CEO, Nordi
Piia Heikkinen is the Managing Director of Nordi and a board member of the Finnish Wind Power Association. Throughout her career Piia has been working with wind and solar power in various positions including i.a. technical consultant, business analyst and department manager.
Reforming the Nordic electricity system into a 100 % renewable system motivates Piia. She holds a M.Sc. degree in Wind Power Project Management from Uppsala University.

Director of Engineering and Product Management, Junttan
“I have been working at Junttan for over 10 years in multiple roles and nowadays I run our product and engineering teams. I was one of the “founding fathers” of the world’s first battery powered pile driving rig. Most of my daily focus is used in new product development as we currently have multiple R&D projects related to next generation products.
I have a long service business background so I’m always keeping a close eye on making sure the end results meet the customer’s needs and our own strategic targets. I like my mobile working machines electrified but at home I’m not a Tesla-guy, instead I’m a passionate car enthusiast and hopefully own a small classic car collection one day.”

CEO, 3Flash Finland
Miko Huomo is the CEO of 3Flash Finland Oy. He has strong experience in hitec-industry and renewable energy, specifically focusing on solar power and hydrogen development. His expertise includes business development, industrial automation, product development and sales management. Additionally, Miko has a background in nanotechnology from Beneq Oy, expertise in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and involvement in cell-level improvement.
With over 25 years of experience in technology and engineering, Miko entered the solar PV industry at Beneq in 2008. He worked as an CEO and executive partner at GreenEnergy Finland. He is also main owner of Etec Energy & Automation, which launched solar PV EPC activities in 2014. Miko holds a B.Sc in Electrical Power Engineering.
For more details, you can visit 3Flash Finland’s website.

Project Development Director, Better Energy Finland Oy
Marcus Stenstrand is the project development director at Better Energy Finland Oy. Marcus has over 25 years’ experience in distinct roles in investment and asset management in different energy companies. Started his career as a CMMS specialist in a Fingrid Oyj, then maintenance manager, business development manager, head of life cycle management, head of large investments projects and head of asset digitalization. Joined Better Energy in June 2023 to be part of the journey, where we are shaping a sustainable future by driving renewable energy revolution with projects that benefit biodiversity and ecosystems. Working to make an impact that matters.

Professor, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)
Jan Barta received his Master’s degree in Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Brno University of Technology, Czechia, with several courses completed at Aalto University, Finland. In 2018, he earned his Ph.D. in Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering, focusing on the R&D of a high-speed electrical machine for a helium turbo-circulator. During his doctoral studies, he undertook research stays abroad at Lappeenranta University of Technology and SpinDrive, both in Finland.
After completing his Ph.D., he continued his career at the Brno University of Technology, where he was successful several times in writing proposals and obtaining funding for various projects related to advanced electrical machines intended for applications ranging from aerospace to fusion reactor cooling. Among the companies and research organizations with whom he collaborates on grant or contract research projects are Honeywell, Garrett Motion, AVL Moravia, Linz Center of Mechatronics, Johannes Kepler University in Linz, et al.
Jan Barta’s current research interests are in the design and modeling of electrical machines for transportation electrification, and he is a supporter of international collaboration and knowledge transfer to students. Within the framework of cooperation with foreign countries, through its contacts, he has already secured the preparation of a number of jointly supervised master theses and several internships for both doctoral and master students. Currently, Jan Barta guarantees key courses focused on electrical machines; he is the initiator of a new bachelor’s program focused on e-mobility and sustainability at Brno University of Technology.

Junior Researcher, LUT University
Altti Meriläinen, M.Sc. (Tech.), works as a Junior Researcher in the Department of Electrical Engineering at LUT University. He is pursuing a doctoral degree focusing on the optimal use of renewable electricity and thermal energy in buildings. His research examines, from a techno-economic perspective, how buildings can act as flexible energy users in response to wind and solar power, the optimal sizing of local electricity and heat generation and storage, and the best practices for system control.
Additionally, he is involved in research on electric road transport, from the perspective of heavy-duty vehicles. In his free time, he enjoys various activities, including cycling, jogging, skiing, and working on personal engineering projects.

Senior Advisor, Finnish Energy
Tuukka Heikkilä is Senior Advisor in Finnish Energy. His responsibilities include participating in various electricity research activities, and solving technical challenges related to electric vehicles & charging infrastructure & connection of small-scale electricity generation. He is a member of the boards of the Finnish electrical standards organization SESKO and e-Mobility Finland (Sähköinen liikenne ry). He is also the chairman of SESKO’s Standardization Committee for Electric Vehicles and Charging Systems (SK 69). Additionally, he serves as the coordinator for the research fund Electricity Research Pool (ST-pooli) and, as the secretary for the Electricity Distribution Committee (sähkönjakelutoimikunta) of Finnish Energy.
Tuukka has had an electric car since April 2017 and is passionate about everything that helps humanity towards sustainable solutions, while maintaining reasonable means for everyone to live a good life.

Power Market Manager, Better Energy
Matti Sohlman looks after the Power Market operations in a pan Nordic set-up at Better Energy that creates new green energy. He has a wide experience from different roles all the way from electric installations to market regulation, currently focusing on PPAs and sales in Finland and Poland.
Matti holds a M.Sc. in Electricity Markets and Power Systems from LUT and also a second M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration also from LUT. Before joining Better Energy, Matti was an independent consultant helping Finnish energy market players on various challenges focusing on long-term system-level changes in the energy markets and ancillary markets. He has also been in charge of Energy Management at Pohjolan Voima and attended in an expert group at the European Union Agency for the Co-operation of Energy Regulators (ACER).
The most important thing in life is to make a better world for our kids. Therefore, most of my spare time goes with my own 8-, 6- and 4-year-old. Creating an impact that matters

Senior Project Manager, Danfoss Editron R&D
A Senior Project Manager in the Danfoss Editron R&D function with a 13-year tenure in Mobile Work Machine electrification.
Over the course of this electrification journey witnessed the industry as an Embedded Software Engineer, R&D Manager in Software, and R&D Project Manager.
Background in early phase technology research/development/innovation, new product development, and customer projects.
Keen interest in seeing where the future of Mobile Work Machine electrification develops into.